This is a question I was posed by a Box-Fit lady today. After a little research to confirm my suspicion, it seems that the answer to this is yes! I have found out that various hand moves (known as mudra) used in the nata dances (see the natarajasana pose in previous post) have been incorporated into several martial arts. The seminal text on yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali also describes meditating single mindedly on points located within one's own body. This has also been used in martial arts. There are many more examples too!
Yoga seems to be everywhere! Discovering where it is going to pop up next makes the journey quite thrilling. Please comment with any examples where you have found yoga unexpectedly in your life. It's great to share!
Yoga seems to be everywhere! Discovering where it is going to pop up next makes the journey quite thrilling. Please comment with any examples where you have found yoga unexpectedly in your life. It's great to share!